The following albums dropped today and are available in your local trendy record store or on digital download.
Lana Del Rey “Ultraviolence”
Contributing writer Present-Tense had promised a track-by-track indeep analysis of the latest effort from LDR, but apparently he’s too busy with work this week. The much-anticipated album for children that enjoy pushing and shoving 8 hours before Ms. Del Rey takes the stage has finally arrived. Present-Tense was nice enough to inform me that the video for “Shades Of Cool” surfaced this morning.
Please enjoy “Shades Of Cool” here:
If you must, download “Ultraviolence” here:
The Antlers “Familiars”
Brooklyn based indie rockers The Antlers are a hugely underrated band. Their fifth studio release hit your local Best Buy shelves today. This is the follow-up to their fantastic 2011 release Burst Apart. Add these dudes to my 2015 Coachella Perfect Poster wish list.
Watch “Hotel” here:
Download “Familiars” here:
Notable EP Release:
Austra “Habitat”
By now you know I really dig the band Austra, just not enough to miss a Dum Dum Girls set. This is a 4-track extended play of new music from the Toronto based indietonica act.
Listen the title track “Habitat” here:
Download “Habitat” here: